Learn more about how our floor cleaning services can help your business in Colorado Springs, CO
When you’re working long hours day in and day out it’s easy to forget things like the ground beneath your feet. We walk into our businesses all year long, through each season, wet, dry, and cold and we track in an array of debris and allergens constantly. No matter if your business has durable flooring, carpet, or tile all materials are affected by an accumulating amount of debris at some point or another. So how important is a clean floor in the workplace? If you’re feeling doubtful of the importance, our floor cleaning services team put together a list of ways your business is being affected by dirty flooring.
1. Unclean floors can directly affect the overall health of employees
Floors are a great place for germs, bacteria, and allergens to hang out. It’s a great home for them to reproduce and multiply at a high rate and your employees will eventually suffer the consequences. There is a direct correlation in how dirty a business floor may be and how many sick days their employees tend to tack off every year. This amounts to a lot of business income being lost. Our floor cleaning services will sanitize regularly to cut down on medical expenses and lost employee time.
2. Low productivity and morale
You and your employees spend a lot of time at the office. It’s a second home and it should be appreciated as such. No one wants to leave the comfort of their home to spend an entire day in an environment that is unclean and unhealthy. Our floor cleaning services will make sure that the office is cleaner and will show more your employees you care about their working environment.
The workplace should be an exciting place for your employees to come so they can home in on their skills and not worry about the poor environment they are surrounded by. Your employees will also feel much more valued to have an employer who cares about the environment they work hard in.
3. Bad Impression of Brand
If you have clients in your office on a regular basis, it’s a no brainer that having dirty unkept floors will make your overall image look bad. It’s not just clients, consider business partners who may be coming in to have valuable meetings on how to increase your business and work together. If they see that you care very little about your office space, they will assume that it is the same way you feel about your own company. They will be turned off immediately and less likely to make any quality deals.
4. Dirty Floors Will Not Last Long
The more accumulated debris your floor has to deal with, the shorter the floor’s lifespan becomes. The floors will begin to wear down, fade, crack, or stain. When you have to replace floors more frequently, you’re tapping into business resources that could be used elsewhere to increase sales. Our floor cleaning services will help prolong your existing floors and save you money in the long haul.
5. The Best Way to Keep Your Floors Clean
To avoid all of the harmful effects of dirty floors in your work environment hire a professional cleaning service like JAN-PRO Commercial Cleaning of Southern Colorado. Our floor cleaning services will make sure your floors remain pristine day in and day out all year long, leaving your employees satisfied and your brand recognition strong.