Say you work in an office setting, but employees often gather in a breakroom to relax on plush couches. Maybe your business has a waiting area with upholstered furniture for guests and visitors to sit on. Regardless of your workplace, professional couch cleaning services will benefit you.
Let an expert, such as a certified franchisee of JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting in Tucson, perform this service and enjoy advantages like stain and allergen removal as well as fabric protection and odor elimination. Explore all of the benefits that await and the process that independent contractors take when cleaning couches and upholstered furniture in business settings.
In this guide, we will discuss why you should hire an expert, the advantages of this service, and how professionals handle upholstery cleaning.
Why Hire a Commercial Cleaning Expert?
While various cleaning products are available, investing in professional couch cleaning brings unmatched results for commercial cleaning services. That is why investing in commercial cleaning for business settings can be the best decision you’ll make. Experts have a wide range of products and supplies at their disposal, including non-toxic cleaners that are safe to use in any environment.
They understand the best practices for removing stains and odors from surfaces like floors and furniture. In addition, they can recommend other cleaning measures that will keep your workplace looking spick and span.
Certified franchisees of JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting in Tucson specialize in cleaning businesses from retail stores to restaurants and more. What begins as a couch-cleaning service can evolve into other sanitizing measures, such as disinfecting floors and performing regular janitorial tasks. Best of all, you’ll enjoy the following advantages when you hire a professional:
- Flexible scheduling
- Money savings
- Customized cleaning solutions
- Prompt, reliable service
Book a service today and see how it transforms your business for the better.
The Advantages of a Professional Couch Cleaning Service
You might not think that having someone clean your office’s furniture is worthwhile when other parts of the building take precedence. However, many business owners who invest in this service find that it’s highly beneficial. Check out some of the most significant advantages you stand to gain when you let professional cleaners sanitize your office furniture.
Improved Office Aesthetic
Imagine a new client or candidate coming into your office for the first time. If the office waiting area has couches or upholstered chairs in terrible condition, would it instill confidence in you? The aesthetic of your workplace plays a key role in how customers and employees view your brand.
Take pride in your building and its furniture by scheduling regular cleaning services. It will not only make the space look nicer but also contribute to a better brand image.
Greater Comfort
Worn-out furniture with minimal padding or distinct odors won’t make for a pleasant experience and furniture longevity. Whether your employees are spending time in a breakroom or guests wait to meet someone in your reception area, you want to ensure the furniture is comfortable for them to sit on. This is especially prevalent for upholstered furniture where employees sit during the day.
Enhanced Employee Health
Dust mites and other allergens can settle into the fabric of office furniture. Couch cleaning services eliminate these contaminants so they don’t circulate the air when someone sits down. Experts use cleaning strategies that focus on mold prevention as well.
By cleaning the fabric correctly, you’ll be able to minimize the amount of harmful contaminants in your office and avoid symptoms like:
- Sneezing
- Coughing
- Eye irritation
- Throat soreness
Your employees will be much more productive when working in a clean environment without allergens making them sick and needing to take time off.
Increased Furniture Longevity
Depending on how much use your office couches get, they can undergo a lot of wear and tear, especially if you don’t keep them clean. The cost of replacing your furniture can add up quickly, so protect your investment by prioritizing couch cleaning services. Experts help preserve the fabric and keep the piece in good condition so it gets several years of use.
If you’re finding that your office furniture isn’t lasting as long as you’d like, it’s in your best interest to have professional cleaners restore the upholstery. This will ultimately save you money on replacing the furniture and won’t compromise the appearance of your office. To request a quote, contact JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting in Tucson.
How Professionals Handle Upholstery Cleaning for Businesses
Booking a couch cleaning service proves worthwhile, given the many advantages for business owners—those who book a couch cleaning service benefit from expert handling and superior results. Discover how independent contractors approach cleaning couches, upholstered chairs, and other office furniture.
Examine the Fabric
Different fabrics require different cleaning protocols, so experts must carefully examine each piece of furniture and decide the best way to clean it. Understanding the fabric and what it can withstand helps contractors clean it more efficiently and avoid damaging the couch. This initial look often involves doing a dye bleed test in preparation for cleaning treatments.
Remove Loose Dirt
The next part of couch cleaning involves using a vacuum and upholstery attachment to lift loose dirt on the cushions and beneath them. Experts make sure to vacuum every part of the couch so the rest of the cleaning steps go smoother.
Apply Pre-Treatments
Say your office’s couch has unsightly stains in several parts. For effective stain removal, cleaners will apply stain-fighting products and blot the fabric to lift some of the residue without causing it to spread. Pre-treatment may also include taking a horsehair brush to the couch and using it to penetrate grime and stains deep inside the fibers.
Clean the Upholstered Fabric
Professionals use special equipment to suck up dirt and grime inside couch cushions and upholstered furnishings, often without the use of harsh chemical cleaning products. You can expect your business’s furniture to look brand new after experts break down dirt particles, rinse the surface, and suck up all of the grime in a thorough process.
Let the Couch Dry
Since amateur couch cleaning may involve too much water and inadequate drying solutions, the furniture can sprout mold or mildew and face significant damage. Experts avoid these issues by using just enough water to remove stains and creating the right environment for the couch to air dry by:
- Propping up cushions
- Opening windows for cross-ventilation
- Utilizing fans
- Avoiding heat drying
Once the couch is fully dry, the cleaners will fluff the cushions for optimum comfort.
Transform Your Office With Couch and Upholstery Cleaning Services From JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting in Tucson
Is your office furniture looking dingy and worn out? Consider booking a couch cleaning service with JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting in Tucson as your sign. Our certified franchisees follow the industry’s best practices during every commercial cleaning service and promise to go above and beyond for you.
You can contact your nearest franchisee for JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting in Tucson by calling (520) 885-9600 or filling out this online form. We’ll set you up with a free estimate for commercial cleaning services, including professional upholstery and couch cleaning.