Benefits of Professional Garbage Bin Cleaning Businesses

Posted on September 5, 2024

Key Takeaways

    The casualness of garbage disposal from businesses throughout the Delaware Valley area creates unhygienic and often overlooked trash bins.
    Garbage containers can become breeding grounds for bacteria, feeding grounds for rodents, and sources of foul odors around a commercial property.
    Hiring a garbage bin cleaning service can resolve these problems and more.

If you’re like most people, you likely don’t think much about what happens to your business’s garbage bins once you throw things away. The materials and waste that end up in commercial trash containers can include flood, paper products, used hygiene products, biohazardous materials, and more. People use garbage bins daily, so it would take a short time for the container to develop unsanitary conditions.

Thankfully, garbage bin cleaning services by certified franchisees from JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting in Delaware Valley can help. Commercial trash container cleaning services often include eco-friendly cleaning solutions that promote a safe, healthy environment.

Learn more details in this guide about the advantages of professional trash can cleaning services.

Is Trash Can Cleaning Necessary?

Regularly cleaning out your commercial garbage bins is a must, and it goes far beyond simply disposing of the total trash bags inside them if any are present. Trash cans are among the most unhygienic, unsanitary materials at most commercial properties in the greater Delaware Valley area.

They can retain harmful bacteria like E. coli, Listeria, and Salmonella. Food remnants and moisture can promote mold and mildew growth. The trash can also attract pests like rats, mice, roaches, and raccoons, which will treat your garbage as a prime food source. This further adds to the unhygienic nature of commercial trash cans.

Cleaning the bins yourself is an option, yet it could have lasting health and environmental consequences. You could unintentionally contaminate yourself and others without sufficient sanitization and disinfection experience. It’s also possible to unintentionally use gallons of water to clean out your business property’s bins, only to dump the contaminated water incorrectly and contribute to environmental pollution.

A professional service offering trash bin cleaning is the best way to keep your garbage bins sanitary without causing unintentional environmental harm. For more details about janitorial services in Delaware Valley, including garbage bin cleaning services from certified franchisees near you, contact JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting in Delaware Valley.

Why You Should Consider a Garbage Bin Cleaning Service for Your Business

If you need clarification on whether trash bin cleaning is proper for your business, consider these advantages of the service.

Eliminate Bacteria

The bacteria and pathogens that thrive inside garbage cans are more harmful than beneficial. Examples include Salmonella and Listeria. Nothing will eliminate these germs besides a deep cleaning with the right products.
Thankfully, commercial cleaners use eco-friendly disinfectants and high-pressure hot water systems to provide bacteria-elimination services.

As a result of their skills, you, your staff, and others who visit your commercial property are less likely to encounter harmful bacteria that could jeopardize their health.

Remove Maggots and Pests

Flies typically gather around dirty trash bins because old food, moisture, and bacteria remain there. Unfortunately, flies also lay eggs inside bins, which creates pest infestations and strong odors from the larvae.

Pest prevention is one of the top advantages of regular garbage bin cleaning. Though the slimy layer of organic material that collects inside unclean trash bins is perfect for flies and maggots, the mess can also attract other pests like cockroaches, wasps, rats, and raccoons. With professional cleaning services, you can prevent pests from using your business’s trash collection areas as eating or breeding hotspots.

Achieve Excellent Odor Control

Smelly garbage is more than a nuisance. It can also contribute to problems for your business.

When food and other organic materials break down, they can create a sulfuric odor similar to rotten eggs. This smell can irritate you and anybody near your trash collection area. There are more effective ways to address the problem than masking the bad smells in and around your garbage containers. The additional scents will blend with the smelly garbage to create a more unpleasant odor.

Sometimes, odors can be foul enough to cause appetite loss, throat irritation, and headaches. Prolonged exposure to garbage odor can even trigger respiratory issues like asthma and shortness of breath.

You can avoid these problems by scheduling garbage bin cleaning services with a trusted commercial cleaning franchise. These professionals can create a cleaning schedule that accommodates your business’s needs and includes odor control to ensure your property stays clean and fresh-smelling.

Signs Your Business Needs a Professional Trash Container Cleaning Service

The problem with having unsanitary garbage bins for your business is that it can be challenging to tell if they need a deep cleaning. This is especially true if your company uses trash bags to dispose of waste inside the containers. Unfortunately, bags rip, wildlife and insects can still find their way into your garbage bins, and germs aren’t visible to the naked eye, so you never know what dangers your trash bins have.

If your waste containers appear fine, don’t assume you need professional garbage bin cleaning services. Instead, consider these warning signs that it’s time to book professional services.

You Have Excessive Pest Activity

Seeing one or two flies around your garbage area might not be a big deal. Yet, if you’re noticing lots of ants, houseflies, rats, or cockroaches around your trash cans, it’s probably time for them to undergo a thorough cleaning.
Pests only linger around garbage bins when looking for food and water.

In doing so, they can lay eggs, drop their waste, spread diseases, and enter your commercial property, causing an infestation. It’s best to call a trash can cleaning service as soon as you notice an increase in pest activity.

Frequent Trash Bin Usage

The more frequently you use your trash containers, the more often they need cleaning. Overflowing trash creates an unsightly, smelly, and potentially hazardous mess. Even if you empty them, the hazards and smells will remain.

Lack of Cleaning Supplies and Time

Properly cleaning and sanitizing trash cans requires specialized equipment, such as commercial-grade solutions and pressure washers. If your business has access to these materials, cleaning your trash bins well becomes easier. Treating this as a DIY project will also take away time that you could spend doing something more meaningful or productive for your business.

Instead, turn to a skilled garbage bin cleaning service. These expert cleaners have the right tools, methods, and products to deep clean and sanitize any garbage can. Experienced certified franchises follow strict cleaning guidelines to ensure proper wastewater disposal and sanitization.

Turn to JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting in Delaware Valley for Trash Bin Cleaning and More

There’s no denying the health advantages that come from a garbage bin cleaning service. Professional cleaners can utilize the latest industry methods and practices to effectively rid commercial garbage bins of pests, mold, bacteria, foul odors, and other unwanted contaminants. Trash can cleaning offers health advantages, keeps vermin from your commercial property, and improves the aesthetics of your garbage bins.

At JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting in Delaware Valley, our certified franchisee strives to make janitorial and commercial cleaning services easy for businesses throughout South Jersey and the greater Delaware Valley region. Our network of certified franchisees includes trusted cleaners with advanced cleaning, sanitization, and disinfection knowledge and eco-friendly cleaning solutions that lead to consistent results.

The independent contractors in our network have the expertise, tools, and resources necessary to meet your business’s cleanliness standards regardless of your industry. Let us pair you with a local certified unit franchise offering garbage bin cleaning services — call (856) 547-5550 or complete this form for a free estimate through JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting in Delaware Valley.