Why Clean Conference Rooms Matter for Your Business?

Posted on June 24, 2024

A conference room’s atmosphere can range from a quiet discussion space to a creative nerve center. No matter where your next meeting falls, tidying your conference space should be a priority before and after each gathering.

Since these spaces are typically reserved for specific occasions, you might not pay much attention to them.

However, your conference room should maintain a professional, welcoming aura that facilitates communication and productivity. After all, you don’t want your higher-ups to enter a dusty, neglected den to talk about company progress.

When working with a commercial cleaning contractor like JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting in Atlanta, you can seamlessly maintain a pristine conference space with little effort from you or your staff.

Conference Rooms Are Highly Sought-After Spaces

From the outside looking in, a conference space might seem boring. However, each gathering offers a pivotal opportunity to help your business take a new, exciting direction. Your conference room provides a comfortable, open place for your staff members and professionals from within your network to discuss solutions and projects at length.

However, these meetings also create the perfect environment for spreading germs and forgotten trash. Joe might snack on a banana to stay fueled, leaving the pungently sweet peel in the trash can. Jennifer has a case of the sniffles but swears it isn’t contagious.

The best way to eliminate the smells, germs, and pollutants of yesterday’s meeting is through prompt cleanup. However, you have deadlines to meet and can’t waste time tidying up the conference area. This is where professional cleaning services come in.

Problems With Dirty Conference Rooms

A dirty, unkempt conference room can make negative first impressions and facilitate poor productivity because of the following factors.

Bad Indoor Air Quality

Indoor air quality depends on the number and type of pollutants circulating through a building at any given time. Bad indoor air quality can cause allergic reactions, illness, and fatigue, which can hinder synergy and creativity. Poor commercial cleaning habits also contribute to questionable indoor air quality.

You might notice excessive dust coating surfaces like file cabinets, desks, and electronics. Occupants may cough more frequently, distracting from everyone else’s focus. Common yet problematic allergens that might infiltrate your conference room’s atmosphere include:

  • Mold and mildew
  • Dust mites
  • Pollen
  • Dander
  • Chemical particles from personal grooming or cleaning products
  • Fibers from clothes and upholstered furniture

Rundown Appearance

Workspaces should look crisp, clean, and pristine. You might not sweat your conference room’s appearance if you don’t use it frequently. However, dust can collect in inaccessible corners, and coffee stains might go unnoticed.

These surprise artifacts can betray your lack of attention during the next conference. A periodic deep cleaning session throughout your office building ensures each room looks immaculate and ready for business.

Pest Infestations

Remember how Joe left his discarded banana peel in the trash can? It will stay there until someone empties it. You might return to a rotten husk if you do not proactively clean the conference room after each meeting.

The banana peel, alongside other leftover food items, can attract pests such as fruit flies, ants, and rodents. Imagine the uproar if your boss notices a furry, skittering critter running along the carpet at your next meeting.

Negative First Impressions

If your higher-ups join you for a conference, they expect to focus on the subject at hand. However, their attention may shift if their workspace smells weird, looks dusty, or plays host to a fruit fly colony.

They might think you need to prepare or cover all your bases thoroughly. No matter how hard you worked on your presentation, a cluttered conference room overshadows all other efforts.


Have you ever struggled to remain alert during a tedious but necessary meeting? Your mind naturally wanders and looks for tasks to satisfy its desire to accomplish something. For example, you might feel the urge to wipe that dusty file cabinet with a microfiber cloth.

That stain in the carpet could use a firm scrub, too. Those files and books practically beg you to organize them. Since you no longer focus your attention and energy on the meeting, you’re lost when someone asks you a question.

A clean environment makes maintaining razor-sharp focus much more accessible for all parties. It also keeps everyone fully engaged in the conversation by limiting the countless distractions caused by a disorganized conference room.
Make your conference room the epitome of productivity and professionalism. Contact JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting in Atlanta for a quote.

How Commercial Cleaning Systems Solve Those Problems?

Before and after you host a conference, your main concerns should include:

  • Preventing germs from spreading. If one person becomes ill, they can quickly harm the health, presence, and productivity of everyone else in the room.
  • Eliminating materials that might cause odors. Leftover food and wrappings can stink and attract pests.
  • Ensuring all surfaces look clean and well maintained. Don’t tempt employees to write “Wash Me” on a dusty surface.
  • Protecting the respiratory health of the occupants. Eliminate concerns like pollutants to prevent coughing and sneezing.
  • Working with a commercial cleaning company helps you effortlessly prepare and keep everyone else engaged.

Pre-Conference Once-Overs

Leave no stone unturned when getting ready for a conference. Schedule your commercial cleaning contractor to visit your office the night before the meeting. They can give the area a once over, eliminate potential distractions, and hook up your desired commercial cleaning systems to ensure the air and surfaces don’t distract from the subject.

Post-Conference Cleanups

Schedule your cleaning franchisee to pick up after your guests once the conference ends. They can handle essential tasks like:

  • Emptying trash cans
  • Using disinfection products on surfaces and electronics
  • Cleaning the floors
  • Picking up forgotten rubbish

These simple tasks prevent leftover food from rotting, eliminate lingering odors, and leave the conference room looking the way it did (if not better) before the gathering.

Healthy Indoor Air Quality

If you want to help Jennifer avoid catching the sniffles again, talk with your cleaning contractor about keeping the indoor air clean with air purifiers and filters. They can hook up a cleaner the night before your conference to circulate the air through an effective filter.

If Jennifer’s ailment was caused by a minor but contagious cold, she could inadvertently spread germs to other attendees. Your cleaning franchisee can use disinfectants on all surfaces to kill and prevent these microbes from spreading.

Tidy Areas That Enhance Creativity

Like many people, you might need to think more clearly in a cluttered area. Paperwork, folders, and electronics strewn about can get mixed up in your materials, leading to confusion and frustration.

When you maintain an organized, tidy space, you’ll facilitate higher productivity and creativity levels. You and your staff members can develop a system to tackle problems with a clean slate as the backdrop of your discussions.

Choose JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting in Atlanta To Keep Your Conference Rooms Pristine

Maintaining a distraction-free, functional, inviting conference room has always been challenging. Our commercial cleaning systems and services keep conference spaces in check before and after meetings. Make your next business meeting an unequivocal success. Call us now at 770-955-9822.

Work with an experienced commercial cleaning contractor to create a professional, healthy discussion space. Connect with a franchisee from JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting in Atlanta to make your office building look its best. We’ll provide a free estimate for our commercial cleaning systems.