Keeping Kindergarten Facilities Clean and Safe

Posted on June 18, 2024

Parents send their children to schools expecting that they’ll play & learn in a safe environment. Early education facilities can do their part by utilizing proper commercial cleaning products and practices to boost the overall cleanliness of the building. In this guide, we’ll review the best practices for janitorial services and hygiene protocols that promote the health and safety of kindergarten facilities.

If you need top-notch business cleaning and disinfecting services, including daycare and school cleaning, JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting in Colorado has you covered. To request a quote, contact your local team today to connect with a certified franchisee.

Why Do All Schools Need Cleaning and Disinfecting Services?

Whether you operate a daycare facility or are a parent who sends your child to one, you know the space must remain sanitary for all students. Daycare centers and schools need essential janitorial services to keep up appearances, as well as regular disinfecting to stop the spread of germs. By investing in a professional cleaning service provider, business owners can see their facility achieve the highest level of cleanliness as well as the following benefits:

  • Improved student safety: Clean floors without tripping or falling hazards prevent injuries.
  • Reduced absenteeism: Disinfecting surfaces eliminates germs that get children sick and cause them to miss school or spread illness to others..
  • Parental peace of mind: Parents can rest easy knowing that their children are in good hands and not at risk for illness or injury.

Experts bring a wealth of industry knowledge to each service and utilize powerful commercial cleaning products that deliver exceptional results.

Cleaning Tips for Maintaining Sanitary Kindergarten Facilities

Whether you operate a retail store, daycare center, or corporate office, you can’t deny the importance of office cleaning services. How do professionals maintain clean, safe school environments? Below is a breakdown of helpful tips and strategies for keeping daycare and early education centers sanitary.

Develop a Consistent Schedule

Every workplace will accumulate dirt and germs if you fail to clean regularly. The key to keeping schools and daycares sanitary is to set a cleaning schedule that accommodates the facility’s needs. Experts recommend frequent janitorial services that cover basic, light cleaning tasks like:

  • Restroom cleaning and disinfecting
  • Vacuuming, sweeping, and mopping floors
  • Emptying garbage bins
  • Disinfecting common surfaces

These measures help maintain the building’s appearance and eliminate germs, but it’s a good idea to schedule periodic deep cleanings as well. A thorough floor cleaning or deep cleaning of the restrooms can tackle harsh residue and improve the overall appearance and safety of your facility.

Focus on High-Touch Surfaces

A significant reason why illness quickly spreads throughout schools is because children leave their germs on several joint surfaces. Experts use commercial cleaning products on these surfaces to eliminate all traces of germs carrying common viruses and bacteria. Non-toxic cleaners work best in this situation to avoid harming young children with chemical exposure.

Some of the top surfaces and objects to disinfect in a school or daycare setting include:

  • Toys
  • Tabletops and desks
  • Door handles
  • Light switches
  • Shared equipment, such as computer keyboards or markers

By consistently disinfecting these surfaces, the children in your facility will be less susceptible to illness, and you can reduce absenteeism.

Review All Cleaning Protocols

If you own an early education center and hope to reduce absenteeism, don’t be afraid to let your cleaning service provider know if their protocols are working. By using the right commercial cleaning products and methods, your building shouldn’t harbor as many germs that get kids sick. If the problem continues, let your contractor know, and they can adjust their procedures.

You should increase the number of services you receive per week or try a deep cleaning service to eliminate hidden grime and allergens.

Promote Hygienic Practices Throughout the School

Hiring a service provider like JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting in Colorado can help you build on the steps you have likely already taken to provide a safe learning environment. If you’re looking to keep your kindergarten facility safe and clean, you have likely put in place these additional measures to increase hygiene. Educate staff, students, and parents about proper hygienic practices and create an environment that promotes good hygiene.

If you haven’t already done so, you could install hand sanitizer dispensers around the school and require students to use them at specific points in the day, such as before lunch. Adding to that, your facility can greatly improve with the help of a consistent professional cleaning service provider like JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting in Colorado.

Challenges of Maintaining Safe And Sanitary Schools

It takes plenty of effort and dedication to keep any workplace sanitary. Kindergarten facilities require extra care because they present more challenges for custodial experts. Learn what these challenges are and how independent contractors overcome them.

Every Area Needs Different Cleaning Measures

Office cleaning usually involves tending to workspaces and restrooms. Schools, on the other hand, have many different areas that require distinct sanitation protocols. A knowledgable independent contractor offering school and daycare cleaning services will have to make a plan for sanitizing the following areas:

  • Classrooms
  • Restrooms
  • Cafeterias
  • Gymnasiums
  • Teacher’s lounges

Experts must customize their protocols for each of these spaces, such as using safe and effective commercial cleaning products in cafeterias and disinfecting teacher’s lounges.

Heavy Foot Traffic

Hundreds of children and staff can enter a school per day and track dirt into the building. This level of foot traffic makes cleaning the space more difficult. Professionals must account for large amounts of visible dirt and debris on the floors and create a plan for removing allergens.

In addition, more people inside the building means more germs circulating. Experts need to assess this when devising a cleaning plan.

Scheduling Issues

Keeping a kindergarten facility sanitary will have a tremendous impact on the children who spend their days there. However, scheduling the ideal time to clean can become an issue for business owners and school leadership.

Having professionals work during school hours can distract students and prevent them from learning. Some schools host extracurricular activities at the end of the day and even on weekends. It’s best to work with a cleaning service provider who offers flexible scheduling so you won’t disrupt any learning while still maintaining the cleanliness of your facility.

Financial Concern

Not all schools have the funding to purchase and store commercial cleaning products and equipment or hire in-house staff to use them. Thankfully, hiring an independent contractor, such as a certified franchisee of JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting in Colorado, takes care of any budget concerns. You can have a knowledgeable and insured cleaning service provider come to your facility as often as you need and not have to worry about supplying them with cleaning equipment.

Hiring an outside contractor often saves money, and you can change your cleaning services depending on your school’s needs. For example, you could scale back your janitorial services during summer vacation because of the decrease in foot traffic.

Request Business Cleaning and Janitorial Services for Your Facility — Contact Local Cleaning Experts for a Quote

Keeping kindergarten facilities clean and safe isn’t easy, but the experts at JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting in Colorado have the right solutions and commercial cleaning products for the task. Our unit franchisees offer a range of cleaning services that help any business owner and can tailor their practices to meet the needs of your facility.

Take the first step toward a healthier environment for your students and staff. You can contact your nearest franchisee for JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting in Colorado by filling out this online form or by calling (720) 962-9060. We’ll set you up with a free estimate.

Cleaning services provided by independently owned and operated JAN-PRO Commercial Cleaning franchisees.