Top Commercial Cleaning Tips and Tricks

Posted on January 23, 2024

Keeping your commercial space or office neat and tidy can be challenging work. Unlike the more straightforward task of cleaning a flat or home, cleaning a business or facility requires specialized equipment, expertise, and plenty of elbow grease. For this reason, most businesses choose to hire a professional commercial cleaning company to keep things clean, neat, and hygienic. 

Commercial cleaning companies like JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting practice innovative techniques and use the latest technologies to keep your Western NY businesses sparkling clean. They also have decades of experience, industry certifications, and extensive training behind them. So, to help you out, the JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting experts share some of their top commercial cleaning tips and tricks to maintain the neatness and cleanliness of your facility. Let’s dive in!

Seven Commercial Cleaning Tips and Tricks From Cleaning Professionals

1. Create a Cleaning Schedule 

A schedule divides cleaning tasks into daily, weekly, and monthly chores, ensuring no area or task is overlooked. It also allows you to allocate resources and personnel effectively to maintain a clean and productive office.

The following are examples of tasks you can include in your cleaning schedule: 


  • Emptying all trash bins and recycling containers
  • Wiping down surfaces
  • Dusting equipment, furniture, shelves, and other surfaces 


  • Deep-cleaning appliances like microwaves and refrigerators 
  • Polishing hard flooring

If you employ janitors in-house or cleaners do the cleaning, ensure they’re aware of and follow your cleaning schedule to a tee. 

2. Choose the Right Cleaning Supplies

Set your in-house cleaning team up for success by equipping them with the right cleaning products and tools that help them follow the cleaning schedule. Consider stocking your cleaning supplies closet with the following: 

  • Microfiber Cloths: They’re ideal for dusting, wiping down surfaces, and cleaning up spills. Also, they’re more durable than paper towels and won’t scratch glass surfaces like computer monitors, plate glass windows, and mirrors. 
  • Commercial-Grade Products: Unlike residential cleaning products, commercial-grade solutions are specifically designed to tackle the toughest messes. They have a higher concentration of active ingredients that remove stubborn grime and stains more quickly and easily than products you can buy at a store.

3. Clean As You Go

A few pieces of trash can quickly turn into a pile of garbage. Spilled juice can soak through the carpet, leaving a hard-to-remove stain. Small messes and spills are bound to occur in a busy workplace or bustling commercial space. If not addressed immediately, these can develop into larger problems that require more extensive cleaning. Further, they can cause accidents or even damage valuable equipment. By emphasizing the importance of cleaning as you go to staff, business owners can prevent minor issues from snowballing, ensuring not just the cleanliness of their facility but also the safety of their employees and equipment. 

4. Focus on High-Traffic Areas

Areas that receive a lot of traffic, such as entranceways, lobbies, reception areas, and break rooms, are prone to developing grime buildup. The more people walk through an area, the more dirt and dust they track in via their shoes and clothes. High-traffic areas are also prone to accidental spills of food and drink—apart from making a business look untidy, these spills can pose a safety hazard to customers and employees. 

For these reasons, focusing on high-traffic areas during cleaning days is crucial. Instruct the cleaning staff to clean, sweep or vacuum floors every few hours. If you have hard flooring, you should also have it mopped at the end of every day using an appropriate cleaning product.  

5. Vacuum Carpets Regularly 

A simple but effective carpet cleaning tip to follow is to vacuum regularly. Dirt and dust can accumulate quickly on carpets, especially in high-traffic spaces. Over time, they can damage carpet fibers, resulting in a worn-out appearance. Regular vacuuming in these areas not only keeps your carpets clean but also helps them maintain their appearance, preserving your investment. 

6. Spot-clean Spills on Carpets

It is crucial to spot-clean spills before they have a chance to set. Leaving this task to a later time or date can result in permanent stains on your carpets. Make sure you always have a spot-cleaning product and clean microfiber cloths on hand to quickly clean up accidental spills and spot-treat stains. However, before you use any kind of cleaning solution on your carpet, check the label to see if it’s suitable for the kind of fabric your carpet is made of. 

You should always test carpet-cleaning products by putting a small amount on a small, inconspicuous area. If it discolors or otherwise damages your carpet, do not proceed with use. 

7. Hire a Trusted Commercial Cleaning Company 

As a business owner or operator, outsourcing cleaning tasks to a professional commercial cleaning company takes these responsibilities off your plate, giving you more time to focus on more critical tasks. 

Also, even if you follow all the commercial cleaning tips above, you’ll find that a commercial cleaning company can provide much more thorough results in less time. Hiring a pro also saves money, as there is no need to invest in cleaning equipment, buy cleaning products, or train your cleaning staff to perform various cleaning tasks. 

Choose JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting for All Your Commercial Cleaning Needs Today

For over 30 years, JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting has been synonymous with top-notch commercial cleaning. Their nationwide network of certified franchisees leverages the latest cleaning technology and techniques. JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting in Western New York uses the most innovative products and equipment, from EPA-approved, hospital-strength cleaning products to HEPA-rated vacuums, ensuring their cleaning is effective, efficient, and thorough.  

Contact JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting at (866) 665-1783 to book your FREE estimate or to learn more!