School Cleaning Checklist

Posted on August 24, 2023

Keeping a classroom clean is a must for schools of all levels. From helping prevent little ones from germs to maintaining a professional appearance in higher educational institutions, classroom cleaning is a must to help create safe and conducive learning spaces.

With that in mind, it’s important that schools follow a daily and weekly classroom cleaning checklist to maintain their spaces. Performing these regularly reduces the germs, dirt, and other debris that can affect the safety and cleanliness of any learning place.

Classroom Cleaning Checklist for Daily and Weekly Cleaning

Conduct these cleaning practices regularly to maintain your school’s cleanliness and visual appeal.

Daily Checklist for Cleaning Classrooms

  • Pick Up Debris: Anything considered garbage should be placed in the proper trash bins. Ideally, your school should have multiple bins so students can learn how to clean up after themselves and segregate their waste.
  • Put Away Scattered Materials: Any toys, learning equipment, books, furniture, or any other items that can be reused should be returned to their proper place or a designated location. Place personal items in the Lost & Found or a secure area.
  • Sweep and Mop the Floor: Some debris may be too small to pick up but leave an unsightly mess manually. Sweeping or vacuuming cleans most of the dirt off floors, which should be disposed of properly. Mopping picks up the tiniest particles while also sanitizing, though specialty mops can provide a deeper layer of cleaning with features like steam.
  • Unplug Unused Equipment: Conserve energy and reduce the risk of electrical hazards by unplugging any classroom equipment not in use.
  • Wipe Down Tables and Chairs: Disinfect and sanitize the tables and chairs, as these are high-contact areas prone to germs.
  • Disinfect All Surfaces: This includes the doorknobs, light switches, and other parts of the room that students and staff frequently touch. Ideally, these should be sanitized throughout the day to prevent germs from spreading.
  • Trash Disposal: The trash should be taken out at the end of each day. You may need to replace the bin liners multiple times in one day for high-traffic areas.

Weekly Checklist for Classroom Cleaning

  • Disinfect Low-Touch Surfaces: On top of the tables, chairs, and other high-contact surfaces, you should also disinfect low-touch surfaces like cabinets, display cases, and door handles in rooms that aren’t frequently used.
  • Dust Shelves and Cabinets: Prevent dust build-up by cleaning your shelves, cabinets, cubby holes, unused lockers, and other low-contact spaces by dusting at least once a week. Vacuum these spaces or use a damp cloth to remove the debris, followed by a disinfectant spray.
  • Clean Chalkboards and Whiteboards: Chalkboard ledges can accumulate chalk dust, while whiteboards can develop permanent stains if not cleaned frequently.
  • Clean Light Fixtures: These fixtures can accumulate dust, debris, and dead insects. Dust them at least once a week.

Classroom Cleaning Checklist for Special Places

Additionally, schools shouldn’t forget to handle the following fixtures and locations on their property:

Main Entrance, Lobby, and Hallways

  • Vacuum and spot clean the walk-off mats located in all school entrances.
  • Laying, mopping, replacing, and removing floor mats during rainy days.
  • Disinfecting door knobs, stair railings, lockers, outdoor and indoor chairs, and other. high-contact surfaces around the school.
  • Disinfecting and sanitizing the drinking fountains.
  • Dusting low-contact surfaces like the tops of lockers.
  • Spot-cleaning the walls, doors, and other surfaces.

School Bathrooms

  • Mopping and scrubbing the floors with a cleanser and disinfectant.
  • Disinfecting all plumbing fixtures.
  • Polishing the mirrors, glass surfaces, and any surfaces prone to streaks and smudges.
  • Refilling toilet paper, feminine hygiene supplies, paper towels, and other supplies.
  • Disinfect low-contact surfaces like walls.

Gyms and Recreational Facilities

  • Disinfect fitness and playground equipment.
  • Clean the bathrooms and shower areas.
  • Disinfect the locker room.
  • Set aside wet and soiled clothing and towels.


  • Disinfect high-contact surfaces.
  • Clean and replace the linens on clinic beds.
  • Disinfect the nurse’s office.
  • Properly disposing of hazardous waste.

Why Do You Need Professionals Cleaning Classrooms and the Rest of Your Campus?

Professional commercial cleaning services deliver a higher quality level that ensures your spaces’ cleanliness. Your campus needs service providers that provide exemplary cleaning solutions in your area for several reasons:

  • Regulation and Health Code Compliance: Many local governments, school governing bodies, and organizations have regulations on cleanliness. In particular, some areas have strict rules for daycares and preschools to protect small children from common germs and pathogens.
  • Improve Student Performance: Students exposed to high risks of germs are more likely to fall ill, which could affect their performance in school. High-contact areas are the usual suspects for spreading bacteria and viruses.
  • Teach Healthy Habits: Giving students clean spaces teaches them the importance of organizing their spaces and observing good hygiene practices.
  • Boost Your School’s Image: Universities, colleges, private schools, and other educational institutions can seem more inviting to potential students when they appear to have clean and safe spaces.

Contact JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting for Cleaning Classrooms, Daycares, and Other Learning Centers

Ensure your students get the conducive learning spaces they can thrive in. With a commercial cleaning service provider like JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting, you can work with a team that completes this school cleaning checklist promptly and professionally.

Contact today to request a free estimate.