How Often Do You Need a Carpet Cleaning Service?

Posted on April 19, 2024

Operating a business involves paying attention to detail. Unfortunately, ignoring a carpet cleaning schedule for your commercial carpets can create problems. The floors throughout your business can house plenty of dirt and allergens and require the help of professional carpet cleaning services.

Exactly how often do you need your carpets professionally cleaned? Learn tips for creating a regular cleaning schedule in this guide from JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting in Central Alabama. Our network of franchisees helps business owners throughout the region maintain clean, safe, and healthy workplaces with our range of janitorial services, including rug cleaning.

Importance of Having Clean Commercial Carpets

You don’t want your house to contain unsightly, stained carpets embedded with dirt and debris. Why should your business have dirty carpets, too? Customers will form judgments about your business if they see traces of dirt around the building, including the floor.

Imagine running a restaurant with food crumbs and stains from spilled beverages covering the floor. This taints your professional image and shows customers that you don’t run the most sanitary establishment. It could turn them off from returning to your restaurant and even lead them to advise others to stop eating there.

Keeping your carpets clean, no matter what type of business you operate, leaves a good impression on guests and customers. It also maintains a clean workplace for your employees, which helps them show more pride in their work. Professional carpet cleaning assistance benefit your business on many levels and remain one of the most worthwhile investments you can make.

The Difficulties of Maintaining Commercial Carpets

Carpet cleaning services have an important responsibility, given how customers and employees view clean floors in a business. However, keeping the carpets clean can be difficult. Vacuuming any loose dirt will take care of debris at the surface, but there could be allergens that penetrate the thin fibers of the carpet.

Professionals should remove dirt with regular vacuuming and perform deep cleaning at least once a year. This service lifts stains and stubborn debris inside the carpet so it can look like new. Cleaning carpets involves several steps and can disrupt your operations depending on when you schedule the service.

Work with an independent cleaning contractor who can recommend a schedule that accommodates your business hours and prevents the carpets from getting too dirty. Experts will guide you in the right direction to keep your floors clean for the long term.

Tips for Scheduling Office Carpet Cleaner

How often should you have the carpets at your office cleaned? The answer largely depends on a few different factors. Check out the various components that dictate whether you should invest in frequent or periodic carpet cleaning services.

Examine Your Work Environment

Businesses like restaurants and daycare centers tend to require more frequent carpet cleanings than office buildings. These settings are more prone to spills, and the carpets can harbor excess germs and bacteria if you don’t thoroughly clean them. Office buildings usually don’t require the same level of attention as other types of workplaces, but that doesn’t mean you can ignore carpet cleanings entirely.

The size of your building and the amount of daily foot traffic it receives will determine how often you need the carpets cleaned. Smaller office spaces with minimal carpeting don’t need to focus on cleaning services as much as large buildings with carpeting throughout.

For example, if you operate a dental practice and only have carpet in your small reception area, it won’t need as much attention as an extensive office building with carpet covering every cubicle area and conference room. Your cleaning schedule also depends on the number of people that walk through the door daily. Workplaces with less than 50 employees can prolong their cleanings, while buildings with several hundred workers will need deep carpet cleanings as often as every quarter.

Focus on Problem Areas

Say you work in a large office building with many different suites. Some departments have few employees, while others work on a hybrid schedule, so they don’t come into the office every day. These areas won’t track as much dirt due to the limited foot traffic. In contrast, the front door, lobby or reception area, and other high-traffic areas need more attention.

You can scatter your carpet cleaning solutions to focus on crowded entryways and corridors more than quiet sections of the building. A cleaning schedule that might work for you involves sanitizing high-traffic areas every month while other sections of the office get treatment every two months.

Consider the Type of Rug

Experts urge business owners to focus on three important characteristics of carpeting when figuring out their cleaning schedule:

  • Color
  • Density
  • Pile type

Some workplaces feature light-colored carpets to make the space feel brighter and more welcoming. While lighter carpets have their aesthetic appeal, they usually require more frequent cleanings. Stains and dirt appear more pronounced against a light backdrop, so if you have white or cream-colored carpets, you’ll likely need to clean them more regularly.

Installing dark carpets throughout your business doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll need fewer cleanings. If the carpet features a high density and high pile type, it’s more likely to retain dirt and dust inside the fibers. These types of carpets require more frequent cleanings compared to the alternatives.

Adjust for Seasonal Conditions

Employees and customers will track dirt onto your workplace carpets all year long. However, an excess amount of dirt can end up on your carpets during certain months of the year. Below, we list some instances when you’ll need extensive carpet cleaning services:

  • During rainy seasons: Anyone walking through wet, muddy ground and into your building will leave behind dirt that seeps into your carpet.
  • Throughout the winter: People place sand and salt on pavement to combat icy surfaces in the winter. These substances will end up inside your building when people walk across treated surfaces.
  • When construction takes place: The dry summer season tends to blow dust, dirt, and pollen throughout the air. Nearby construction sites can release more dirt into the air, which can wind up on your carpets.

Placing a mat at your front entryway can reduce the dirt that ends up on the carpet, but you’ll still need to take additional cleaning measures.

Carpet Cleaning Process and How Often You Need Them

You can book different carpet cleaning services throughout the year. Each cleaning method tackles different problems and will need to take place at varying frequencies. Continue reading to discover which one best suits your business.

Vacuuming and Light Cleaning

Running a vacuum over your carpets removes loose dirt at the surface. It’s a simple cleaning procedure that most cleaning companies include in their commercial janitorial services. Vacuuming improves the appearance of the carpet if a lot of dirt lies on the top, but it won’t penetrate deep stains.

Businesses across any industry can benefit from daily vacuuming to preserve the condition of the carpet.

Spot Cleaning

Stain removal and spot cleaning services involve treating one small area of carpet with cleaning agents in hopes of lifting stubborn stains. Spot cleaning can also take place after a spill to prevent stains from forming. You won’t need this service as often as vacuuming but may have to deal with carpet stains a few times a year.

Deep Cleaning

The most thorough carpet cleaning services involve using powerful cleaning agents to give the flooring a brighter appearance and remove allergens deep within the carpet’s fibers. A deep cleaning service helps maintain the appearance of your carpets for the long term. Use the criteria listed above to create a reasonable deep cleaning schedule for your office’s carpets.

Why Hire a Commercial Cleaning Service?

You don’t always have the resources to maintain clean carpets at your business. Taking on this responsibility yourself would require the following:

  • Purchasing a vacuum and other cleaning equipment
  • Storing these supplies on the premises
  • Finding the time to clean yourself or hiring an in-house janitor or cleaner

Commercial cleaning companies provide carpet cleaning services and follow the highest industry standards when cleaning businesses. You can set a cleaning schedule that works for you and never worry about gathering or storing the supplies since experts arrive with the proper equipment.

Take the hassle and guesswork out of keeping your facility clean. Let a professional cleaning contractor make your carpets spotless with regular cleaning appointments.

Schedule Carpet and Commercial Cleaning Services in Alabama

Use the information in this guide to create a reasonable carpet cleaning schedule for your business. Some workplaces will need quarterly deep cleanings, while others can get away with light carpet cleaning services for much of the year. JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting in Central Alabama is here to help you maintain a tidy facility.

We’ll connect you with our certified franchisees in your area, offering the carpet cleaning services you need. Rest assured that all commercial cleaning services follow strict sanitation guidelines for the best results. To learn more about our services, call JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting in Central Alabama at (205) 979-6300.