Janitorial Cleaning Services in San Diego: Security is Key

Posted on September 13, 2018

Is security a major concern at your office in San Diego? If you’re hesitant to trust another party with access to your facility, you may be having trouble finding a janitorial cleaning service you can rely on. There are several characteristics that signal a commercial cleaning company practices security-focused procedures. At JAN-PRO® of San Diego, our team of cleaning professionals sticks to strict security protocol to lend you peace of mind and keep your facility safe. Read on to learn more about how you can choose a commercial cleaner that helps you maintain security.

The Importance of Security at Your Office in San Diego

There are many items, both material and immaterial, that require vigilant protection at your office. These include:

  • Valuable equipment. From high-tech computers and printers to specialized devices, these tools are essential to your business operations and represent a significant investment.
  • Important data. You have a major responsibility to keep your business data, in addition to the personal data of your customers and employees, secure.
  • Access to your facility. Whether it’s in the form of a key or security code, it’s vital that you trust everyone who has access to your office.

Security-Focused Janitorial Cleaning Services

In order to protect the above security concerns, choose a cleaning service that follows security-focused procedures such as the following:

  • Wearing full uniforms and visible identification. At JAN-PRO of San Diego, it’s our policy to wear full, recognizable uniforms and prominent ID badges, making it easy to identify us while we’re on your property.
  • Becoming fully bonded and insured. Make sure you choose a janitorial cleaning service that is bonded and insured so your business remains protected in the case of accidents or unforeseen occurrences.
  • Being easy to reach while cleaning your office. Your cleaning team should be just a phone call away at all times when on-site.
  • Creating customized cleaning programs. A high-quality cleaning company will create a customized commercial cleaning plan that adapts to the unique security needs of your business.
  • Meeting with you in person for a consultation. Get to know your cleaning company before you sign on the dotted line. We offer free, on-site consultations, allowing us to address the security-related questions of potential customers in person.

Maintain your security while keeping your office clean in San Diego, CA. Get started with a security-centric janitorial cleaning service today by calling JAN-PRO of San Diego at (858) 210-6413.