Commercial Cleaning Services in San Diego: 4 Things You Should Know

Posted on October 26, 2018

Most businesses can benefit from the help of a commercial cleaning service to keep their facilities clean, tidy, and sanitary. If you’re looking into commercial cleaning for your business in San Diego, you’ll want to ensure you know some basics about commercial cleaning before getting started. At JAN-PRO® of San Diego, we’re experts in commercial cleaning thanks to our extensive experience in the industry. We’ve developed a proven cleaning process that helps businesses throughout the San Diego area maintain their facilities and improve their work environments. Keep reading to learn more about the facts that we believe our customers need to know about commercial cleaning.

Understanding More About Commercial Cleaning Services in San Diego

Take a look at these frequently asked questions to give you a better understanding of the commercial cleaning process:

  • What is commercial cleaning? Commercial cleaning is the process of providing cleaning services for business facilities and commercial properties. This differs from the process of residential cleaning since businesses have industry-specific standards of cleanliness that they must uphold in order to maintain the quality of their services.
  • What types of businesses do commercial cleaners serve? Many commercial cleaning companies, including JAN-PRO of San Diego, have the knowledge and resources to offer in-depth cleaning for a range of different businesses, from medical clinics and daycare centers to restaurants and manufacturing facilities. There are, however, some commercial cleaners that restrict their focus to meeting the cleaning needs of one or two industries.
  • What services are typically part of the commercial cleaning process? Commercial cleaning involves the elimination of dust, dirt, grime, and germs. Therefore, vacuuming, mopping, dusting, and disinfecting are standard commercial cleaning tasks. Commercial cleaners should also make your business look organized and professional, which is why many services offer detailed polishing and floor refinishing.
  • What are the qualities of a trustworthy commercial cleaner? Choose a commercial cleaning service in San Diego that puts your priorities first by offering personalized cleaning plans and following rigorous security protocol. It’s also essential that you select a cleaning company that is fully bonded and insured and that is willing to meet with you in person to discuss your cleaning needs and provide you with a free quote for their services.

Get started today with a quality commercial cleaning service for your business in San Diego. Just call JAN-PRO of San Diego at (858) 210-6413 to schedule a free cleaning consultation for your commercial property.