Our Top 5 Tips for Organizing Your Daycare

Posted on February 27, 2024

Owning or running a daycare center means you’re no stranger to the chaos of crayons, toys, snacks, and nap times. While your primary focus may be on creating a nurturing environment for children to learn and grow, keeping your center organized is equally crucial. This enables you to create a safe and enjoyable experience for both children and staff. 

Here are five practical daycare organization ideas you can implement to maintain order in your daycare and keep it spotless with less effort. 

1. Establish Clear Zones

Creating a structured environment is crucial in a daycare setting where activities can range from playtime to nap time.  It’s a good idea to define areas for specific activities clearly. Have a distinct space for reading, arts and crafts, snack time, and a quiet zone for resting. Use physical dividers, color-coded areas, or different flooring to visually separate these spaces. 

Visual cues help students understand where everything belongs. Use labels with both words and pictures on shelves, bins, and cubbies, making it easier for everyone to keep the space tidy. 

2.Use Space Wisely

In a busy daycare, every inch of space counts. Optimizing your center’s layout is crucial in maintaining order and safety. One practical solution is to install shelves and hooks to use vertical space for storage. However, you want to ensure frequently used items are within reach while lesser-used materials are stored up high. Toys and materials must also be stored at children’s level so they can easily access and return items, even without adult assistance. 

Baskets, bins, and containers can also support your daycare organization’s efforts. Assigning a specific bin for blocks, another for art supplies, and so on organizes items and makes inventory checks easier. 

3. Eliminate Paper and Go Digital

Digital transformation isn’t just for the corporate world – it can also significantly help you organize and keep track of your paperwork.  If your daycare center is still struggling with tidying up paper clutter, here are some daycare organization ideas worth trying:  

  • Use child care management software to manage administrative processes. 
  • Instead of physical portfolios, switch to digital records of children’s progress. 
  • Use apps or cloud-based services to store essential documents and photos. 
  • Shift parent communications to email newsletters, social media updates, or a dedicated app. 

Best of all, going digital helps you reduce your physical clutter and streamline your operations and work more efficiently. 

4. Designate a Closet or Small Room for Your Cleaning Supplies

Keeping your cleaning supplies secure and out of reach from curious little hands is necessary for safety and efficiency. A designated closet or small room for these items ensures they can be safely locked away, mitigating the risk of misuse or accidental poisoning. 

When your cleaning tools and products are kept in one place, the time it takes to start and complete cleaning tasks is significantly reduced. Staff won’t waste precious time searching through miscellaneous cupboards or rooms. Everything has its place, leading to a more streamlined cleaning process. 

Take your daycare organization further by developing a system to regularly check and restock cleaning supplies. This helps you avoid running low on necessary items while preventing the area from becoming cluttered with excess products. 

5. Streamline Daily Cleanup With Checklists

Cleaning up after a chaotic day at your daycare can be challenging, but having a clear checklist of what must be done can make the task more actionable. Checklists ensure no task is overlooked and help foster a routine that becomes second nature to your staff. 

Your checklists should reflect the specific needs and schedule of your daycare. Include both morning set-up tasks and evening closing tasks to give your space a complete refresh every day. 

If possible, try to involve children in tidy-up time. Teach children the importance of picking up after themselves. Use age-appropriate charts and reward systems to encourage them to participate in cleanup time. Posting visual schedules can also help children understand the day’s flow, increasing their sense of security and independence and encouraging them to practice their organizational skills. 

Enjoy The Benefits Of An Organized Daycare With JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting 

Daycare organization is essential for creating a safe and nurturing space for children to learn and grow. It makes your day-to-day operations much easier and creates a more attractive environment for both your staff and parents. 

Establishing clear zones, using your space wisely, reducing paper clutter, organizing your cleaning supplies, and using daily cleanup checklists are all practical daycare organization ideas that help keep your center neat and running smoothly. 

Maintaining a clean and organized daycare center can understandably be challenging. If you need help keeping your environment clean, safe, and organized, JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting service providers are ready to help.

Schedule your free estimate today and take the first step toward a happier, healthier setting for both the children you care for and the team supporting them. 


“Cleaning and disinfecting services provided by independently owned and operated JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting franchisees.”