Business Cleaning Services in Memphis: Key Areas of Your Office

Posted on April 20, 2018

Keeping your office clean and healthy requires more than organizing and surface cleaning. In order to have a healthy working environment that promotes your employees’ productivity while protecting their safety, you may need the assistance of a professional business cleaning service. At JAN-PRO® Cleaning Systems of Memphis, our business cleaning service utilizes high-quality equipment and formulas for a professional clean that you can trust. Read on for some of the key areas that our professional cleaners focus on when cleaning offices in the Memphis area.

Our Priorities for our Business Cleaning Services in Memphis

High-traffic areas in your office need special attention in order to stay fresh. Here are a few areas that our business cleaning service at JAN-PRO Cleaning Systems of Memphis focuses on:

  • Bathrooms. Keeping the bathrooms clean and tidy is vital to protecting your employees’ health. We pay special attention to surfaces like toilet flushers, paper towel dispensers, and door knobs to halt the spread of bacteria. Our business cleaning services at JAN-PRO Cleaning Systems of Memphis include the use of EnviroShield®, an advanced disinfecting system that knocks out 99% of bacteria and viruses on contact using an innovative misting apparatus.
  • Indoor air. How is the air quality in your office in Memphis? If poor indoor air quality is affecting your employees’ health, we can help. Our business cleaning service works with high-tech HEPA filter vacuums that remove airborne particles like dust and dander for fresher, cleaner, and healthier indoor air.
  • Floors. With constant traffic on your office floors, you may need some assistance in keeping them clean. We have the equipment and experience needed to effectively clean all types of flooring with ease. Whether you have carpet, tile, or hardwood in your office space in Memphis, we can ensure that your floors look clean and fresh.
  • Keyboards. It’s easy to understand why the cleaning of frequently touched surfaces like light switches and doorknobs is necessary. However, have you considered the importance of cleaning the keyboards in your office? Keyboards are touched day in and day out, making the spread of germs on these surfaces a subject of concern. EnviroShield treats even hard-to-clean surfaces like keyboards with ease thanks to its innovative misting applicator.

Get started with our business cleaning services in Memphis today. Call JAN-PRO Cleaning Systems of Memphis at (901) 683-4900 to learn more about how we can help you maintain a cleaner, healthier office environment.