Tips for Maintaining Shiny and Clean Commercial Floors

Posted on June 18, 2024

Do you want shining floors that represent your business well by maintaining a high level of cleanliness for customers and employees? If so, you’d benefit from a reliable cleaning company like JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting in Oklahoma City. You’ll love how your commercial floors look with our extensive experience and the highest-quality supplies. To request a quote, contact JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting in Oklahoma City.

Importance of Clean Floors

Why should you prioritize clean floors for your business? Clean floors benefit you in several ways, including the following:

  • Brand image: Pristine floors help you cultivate a consistently positive brand image. While dirty floors tell your customers you don’t care about details, clean floors show them you prioritize their experience and the quality of your products or services.
  • Safety and health: Immaculate floors eliminate built-up germs and allergens, so your workers take fewer sick days and don’t get distracted by allergies. They also significantly reduce instances of slips, trips, and falls.
  • Compliance: You must comply with various guidelines from OSHA, the EPA, and industry leaders. Clean floors prevent compliance issues and fines, leaving you with one less thing to worry about as a business owner.
  • Productivity: Because clean floors prevent distraction and sickness, they help you and your team stay productive and efficient.
  • Longevity: With consistently clean floors, you cut back on maintenance, repairs, and early replacement. This saves you significant money above and beyond what you’ll spend on commercial floor cleaning while extending your property’s lifespan.

Tips for Creating the Cleanest Commercial Floors

To keep your commercial flooring clean, consider the following best practices.

Know Your Daily and Weekly Tasks

Depending on your flooring type, keeping it clean may require daily or weekly tasks. For example, while you should sweep your hard floors daily, they may only need mopping once a week.

Carpets require weekly vacuuming or more if you have a high volume of foot traffic. You should also deep clean your carpets a few times a year and wax and polish your hard flooring every few months.

Use the Right Janitorial Service Materials

You’ve likely seen janitorial service workers use mops, brooms, and other supplies to clean floors. Achieving the best results means knowing which cleaners and tools to use on your various types of flooring. In particular, you want to avoid any chemicals or equipment that could damage your carpet, hardwood, or tile.

Utilize Mats

One of the most significant ways your floors become dirty is when people drag dirt and debris from outside. Place mats at your entrances so people can wipe their feet. You’ll see that your floors stay cleaner longer, which means you won’t have to clean them quite so often.

Lift (Don’t Drag)

Dragging furniture or heavy equipment across your floors quickly damages them, leaving deep scratches where dirt and germs can collect. Put casters on your furniture where possible so they can glide without issues. When you can’t add wheels but need to relocate your tables, desks, chairs, or other heavy object, always lift them.

Educate and Encourage

One of the most important things you can do for your business is to educate your employees about the best cleaning practices and habits and cultivate a culture of cleanliness. First, start by making a schedule of daily tasks your employees should perform before leaving the office, such as throwing trash in the garbage, sweeping out their office spaces, and cleaning up any spills.

Also, ensure you have clear signage in places with the highest traffic. Ask employees and guests to wipe their feet, remind them to clean up their spills, and communicate that everyone benefits by pitching in.

Finally, be an example. By ensuring the management and executives (including yourself) model the behavior you want to see in your employees, you’ll see the effects resonate throughout your company.

Hire a Commercial Cleaner

When you outsource your sanitization needs, you relieve many of the burden on employees and entrust it to a qualified contractor. This means you won’t be responsible for enforcing a strict schedule and dealing with employees who don’t deliver on their duties.

When you don’t add more work, employees stay happy and satisfied. Investing in a commercial cleaning service yields dividends for your employees, company, and customers.

Benefits of Using Commercial Cleaning Services

Why should you use a service provider rather than maintain an in-house office cleaning service? Below, we’ll walk you through just some of the benefits. You can also learn more about how to get the most out of business cleaning by reading our blog post.


If you want guaranteed quality and the best return on your investment, you need a commercial cleaning company with verified skills and experience. When hiring your team, you’ll never feel 100% confident about their experience and skill, even with a costly and time-consuming hiring process. However, with a certified franchisee from JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting in Oklahoma City, you can examine their extensive history of success, relevant certifications, and promise of quality service.

Make sure to leave your flooring to a subpar professional. You’ve invested a lot, so count on the best to treat your business with dignity.


Whether you have your employees pitch in with the cleaning or have janitorial staff on your payroll, they can only clean as quickly and efficiently as an outsourced commercial service provider. When a qualified independent contractor cleans your business, the rest of your employees can focus on completing the duties you hired them for. As a result, you’ll see an increase in productivity.


Do you trust your staff to remember and abide by all the guidelines that keep your business compliant? Whether you’re concerned about OSHA, the EPA, or other industry oversight organizations, you can trust a certified service provider never to gloss over even the most minute compliance issues. They’ll focus on keeping you compliant so you can run a profitable business.

As an added assurance, a certified service provider from JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting in Oklahoma City always uses safe and eco-friendly products. If you value sustainability, they won’t jeopardize that value.


Hiring a certified franchisee is usually more cost-effective than maintaining an in-house staff. First, consider how much you’ll spend on payroll, benefits, workers’ compensation, and paid days off. Compared to these expenses, hiring an independent contractor saves you considerable money.

Because you’ll never worry about falling out of compliance, you’ll avoid hefty fees. You also won’t experience downtime because the health department won’t have to shut you down.

Finally, doing your own maintenance services means buying, renting, and storing various supplies and equipment. Outsourcing your cleaning services and supplies will save you money and space.

To request a quote, contact JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting in Oklahoma City.

Why Choose JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting in Oklahoma City for Office Cleaning Service?

Why is partnering with a certified franchisee from JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting in Oklahoma City better than another commercial cleaning service? You’ll love working with them for the following reasons.

Perfect Consistency

Our independent business owners don’t just consider cleaning a job; it’s their passion. With considerable skills and experience, fine-tuned methods, and uncommon attention to detail, they produce the same top-quality results every moment of every day.

Customer Service

While you need excellent results, you also deserve quality. From reaching out to a certified franchisee to admiring the results of their service, you’ll appreciate how professional they act. Their superior customer service relies on clear and consistent communication and a high level of customization to meet even the most demanding needs.


As a medical facility, you’re subject to significant safety standards from various government organizations. With meticulous and current knowledge of all industry and governmental standards, our certified franchise owners guarantee you always stay in compliance.

Guaranteed Results

Other cleaning companies might guarantee results that give them five-star ratings. However, can they guarantee six-star results? Our service providers offer a 100% guarantee and use a 50-point checklist that keeps delivering better results than any other company could achieve.

Achieve Stunning Commercial Floors Today

You can’t deny the benefits of finding the best commercial cleaning company because pristine floors can propel your business forward. By choosing a certified franchisee with JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting in Oklahoma City, you’re committing to the best results. Don’t waste money investing in other solutions that can’t deliver six-star results. From medical cleaning to offices and restaurants, our independent contractors can do it all.

Contact your nearest franchisee for JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting in Oklahoma City by completing this online form or calling (405) 606-3300. We’ll set you up for a free estimate.

Cleaning services provided by independently owned and operated JAN-PRO Commercial Cleaning franchisees.