Exploring the Essence of Cleaning Facilities in Oklahoma City

Posted on May 21, 2024

Running a business requires plenty of care and building maintenance. Certified Franchisee of JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting in Oklahoma City specializes in cleaning facilities like office buildings, restaurants, bars, coffee shops, and more.

But what exactly goes into these business cleaning services, and how can you take advantage of them?

Discover the importance of commercial cleaning and the processes that experts use when tackling a wide range of businesses. To receive a quote from JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting in Oklahoma City, contact them today.

Why Are Commercial Cleaning Services Worth the Investment?

Commercial spaces must remain clean for sanitary reasons and to improve customer appeal. Restaurants, for example, must follow certain health and safety standards to avoid penalties, and corporate offices may need cleaning to help improve employee morale.

No matter what type of business you run, it’s worth hiring cleaning services from an independently operated business in your area. You’ll save money and resources by relying on a contractor rather than hiring your staff.

In addition, cleaning service providers come with all of the necessary supplies to leave your building spotless and offer flexible scheduling that works for you. Experts follow the industry’s best practices when cleaning, so you can rest easy knowing that your facility will be sparkling clean when contractors are finished.

The Advantages of Hiring Business Cleaning Services in Oklahoma City

Do you still need to decide if hiring a professional cleaning service is right for you? Consider all of the advantages that await when you rely on an expert who specializes in cleaning facilities like yours.

Learn more in this breakdown of the top advantages for business owners who hire commercial cleaning contractors.

Better Customer Impressions

How would you feel if you walked into a bar or coffee shop and noticed garbage on the floor or sticky countertops from a spill that wasn’t properly cleaned?

Not adhering to proper cleaning standards will make a wrong impression on you or other customers, which can cost a business its loyal clientele… Make sure you impress customers every time they walk into your business with immaculate surfaces and regular cleaning procedures.

Improved Air Quality

Failing to clean your business can lead to an uptick in airborne allergens and pollutants. These not only contribute to respiratory issues but also impact the smell of your facility. Proper cleaning of your floors, hard-to-reach surfaces, and ventilation systems will reduce the amount of pollutants circulating in your building.

Healthier Workforce and Customers

One of the biggest benefits you’ll receive by cleaning facilities with the help of a professional contractor is a healthier, safer environment for your employees and customers. This proves especially vital for anyone in the food service industry, such as those who work in:

Your employees spend the majority of their day in your building and can be subjected to countless contaminants, such as viruses and bacteria. Disinfecting common surfaces like door handles and countertops prevents the spread of germs so your staff can stay healthy.

Restaurant kitchen cleaning should be a priority if you want to keep your customers happy and healthy. Unsafe food handling and preparation can lead to food-borne illnesses that put your customers in harm’s way.

Easier Building Maintenance

If you don’t regularly clean your facility, it becomes harder to eliminate dirt and grime from various areas. When cleaning facilities, experts set schedules that accommodate your business’s needs.

For example, if you work at a small law firm with little foot traffic, your schedule for janitorial services might look different compared to a large office building that welcomes hundreds of employees each day.

The more you prioritize cleaning, the easier it becomes to maintain your building. Contractors will only have to spend so many hours deep cleaning various surfaces like floors, windows, or hard-to-reach areas.

Preserved Assets

Imagine having carpeted floors throughout your business and only periodically vacuuming them. As dirt and allergens seep into the carpet’s fibers, they can cause the material to stain and wear down. Ignoring this straightforward cleaning task could force you to replace the carpet much sooner than if you stick to a proper cleaning schedule.

This scenario doesn’t apply only to carpet floors. Failing to clean regularly could force you to replace several assets, including:

  • Upholstered seating
  • Kitchen equipment
  • Cloth finishings, such as curtains

Take pride in all of the furniture and equipment in your commercial space. Have a professional cleaning provider tend to the space and keep all of your belongings in excellent condition.

Improved Results and Money Savings

Why outsource your cleaning needs to an independent contractor when you could keep a housekeeper on staff? Many business owners hire employees to clean facilities; however, this solution is less beneficial than they first believed.

Hiring a cleaner will exhaust business resources, even if there are days when their cleaning tasks are minimal. In addition, the business owner must provide all of the cleaning supplies and equipment, which also increases expenses. Finally, in-house staff may not follow the highest standards of cleanliness because of their minimal experience.

Opting to work with a certified franchisee takes care of all of these issues so you can keep your building sanitary without breaking the bank.

How do Professionals Approach Commercial Cleaning and Janitorial Services?

Experts who specialize in cleaning facilities with different disinfecting needs will customize their approach to each one. If you’re looking to book a business cleaning service but aren’t sure what to expect, check out the process that certified franchisees of JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting in Oklahoma City follow.

Assessing the Space

Every business is different and, therefore, requires a unique approach. For example, a 2,000-square-foot restaurant would need different cleaning tasks than an 800-square-foot dental office. Experts give special attention to the unique features in each commercial space, including:

  • Carpet vs. hard flooring
  • Areas of high foot traffic
  • Restroom facilities
  • Common surfaces

They use this evaluation to come up with customized cleaning solutions for your business, such as daily light cleanings and monthly deep cleanings. Whether you need office janitorial services, medical facility cleaning, or kitchen cleaning, contractors promise to deliver superior results.

Flexible Scheduling

While coffee shops and restaurants may need similar cleaning services, they’ll likely follow different schedules.

The coffee shop’s hours may extend from dawn until mid-afternoon, while certain restaurants may not open until late morning or afternoon and serve customers until late at night. Cleaning contractors recognize the unique hours of each business and tailor their cleaning schedules around them.

For example, suppose the coffee shop experiences a morning rush that settles at noon. In that case, contractors will schedule service at that time, so there’s minimal disruption to the staff and customers.

However, they could work in the morning cleaning a restaurant so the business can open that day with spotless surfaces.

If your business needs change, your provider will be happy to add those to your current cleaning schedule.

Consistent Communication

Issues can arise when cleaning facilities. Experts may find that select areas need further attention and recommend a deep cleaning. They also may be able to scale back their services because of seasonal slow-downs within your business.

Working with a certified business owner allows for ongoing communication. You can discuss your cleaning needs with them and make adjustments if necessary, pointing out any concerns you have about keeping your space sanitary.

Trusted Cleaning Techniques for Any Facility

Even if you spend most of your free time cleaning your home, cleaning facilities like restaurants, offices, and doctor’s offices require different methods.

Experts understand the industry standards for these workplaces and follow the best practices when disinfecting them. Professionals follow checklists to ensure that every surface of your building meets the highest cleanliness standards.

You can expect your cleaning service provider to use unique, effective protocols when tidying up every area of your business, including:

  • Breakrooms
  • Kitchens
  • Office spaces
  • Restrooms
  • Reception lobbies
  • Medical exam rooms

You’ll rest easy knowing that all of these spaces not only look appealing but don’t pose any health or safety risks because they’re thoroughly sanitized.

Let a cleaning coordinator from JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting in Oklahoma City handle all of your facility’s needs and prepare to have your employees and customers notice the positive changes.

Request Information From a Professional Cleaning Contractor Near You

Requesting cleaning from a professional can be an excellent way to enhance your commercial space. Are you ready to improve your business with the help of a service coordinator?

JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting’s certified franchisees in Oklahoma City specialize in cleaning facilities around the area, from restaurants to schools, gyms, and more. Discover how our trusted service providers can help maintain the cleanliness of your space.