Why Businesses in Baltimore Use Professional Cleaning Services

Posted on February 28, 2019

Are you considering hiring professional cleaning services for your business in the Baltimore, MD area? Businesses throughout Baltimore have partnered with commercial cleaning companies like JAN-PRO® of Baltimore to keep their facilities looking professional, and remain safe and sanitary. Others have to meet specific cleaning regulations from agencies like OSHA, Joint Commission, CDC, or AORN and look to commercial cleaners to ensure they adhere to the strict standards of their industry. Whether you run a business office you need to keep organized or a health care facility where good hygiene is crucial, professional cleaning services can help.

Qualities to Look for in Professional Cleaning Services

It’s important to research the cleaning companies in your area before choosing to partner with one. After all, different commercial cleaners offer different services and have varying standards for the results they provide. Here are just a few qualities to seek out as you look for a company to meet the commercial cleaning needs of your business:

  • Flexibility. You’ll be happy that you partnered with a flexible cleaning service that doesn’t mind adapting to your cleaning needs and preferences. Try to find a commercial cleaner that offers customized cleaning plans for their clients and takes the time to meet with you in person for a free consultation.
  • Strict security policies. No matter what type of business you operate, security is probably one of your top concerns. Ask how the cleaning service will protect the security of your business, especially your data and equipment. Additionally, make sure that the cleaning team wears full uniforms whenever they are on-site so they’re always easy to identify.
  • Comprehensive services. If you work with a commercial cleaner that only offers a narrow range of services, you may have to hire a second cleaning company when you end up needing a specialized service, like hard floor resurfacing or wall-to-wall disinfection.
  • Experience with your industry. It’s key that the cleaning team is familiar with the specific cleaning regulations of your industry and the standards your facility must maintain. Don’t hesitate to ask about the depth of experience that the cleaning service has with similar businesses in your industry.

Schedule a free consultation today to learn more about our wide range of professional cleaning services. Just call JAN-PRO of Baltimore at (410) 665-1800 for details.