What To Know About Disinfecting Cleaning

Posted on March 6, 2023

What To Know About Disinfecting Cleaning

When it comes to commercial cleaning, most people tend to use terms such as “cleaning,” “sanitizing,” and “disinfecting” interchangeably. However, for highly-regulated industries and businesses that want to ensure their employees’ health and well-being, there are significant differences between disinfecting cleaning and other types of cleaning.

Knowing the difference between sanitizing, cleaning, and disinfecting allows you to manage your expectations when searching for a cleaner. Here are some pointers to keep in mind for disinfecting cleaning services and how they differ from similar terms.

Ultimate Guide to Commercial Cleaning Services

Cleaning vs. Disinfecting vs. Sanitizing

Cleaning, disinfecting, and sanitizing are often thought to mean the same process. However, when it comes to disinfecting cleaning services, there are notable differences between what they entail.

  • Cleaning: General cleaning is limited to removing all visible dirt, debris, and other items from your spaces. While spaces are visibly clean, microscopic particles and pathogens may still exist on the surface. 
  • Sanitizing: Sanitizing removes most bacteria to a safe level that meets public health codes or industry regulations. Cleaners who offer sanitizing should use products registered by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
  • Disinfecting: Disinfecting cleaning services remove most bacteria and viruses. Cleaners must perform general cleaning and disinfecting with an EPA-registered disinfectant. However, it doesn’t remove all pathogens the way sterilization methods do.

Types of Disinfectants

The EPA and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention list three main types of disinfectants: chemicals, radiation, and metals.

  • Chemicals: These include cleaning supplies that can kill most harmful bacteria and viruses. Your cleaner should first perform general cleaning. They should also avoid diluting commercial cleaning products below 50%, which can affect these products’ germicidal properties. 
  • Radiation: Cleaners can use UV lights to destroy microscopic pathogens on surfaces and in the air. However, this is rarely used outside of medical spaces.
  • Metals: Some metals, such as silver, iron, and copper, have disinfectant properties. However, they’re generally used in manufacturing centers and commercial medical, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic establishments.

Should My Business Request Cleaning vs. Disinfecting?

General cleaning services offer a surface level of keeping your spaces clean and safe. While your commercial areas are visibly clean, there’s still a risk of pathogens and microscopic debris that could spread diseases or trigger illnesses like stomach illnesses.

Disinfecting is the best choice for commercial spaces that require an additional layer of protection from both bacteria and viruses. With viruses like COVID-19 posing a threat to individuals, going the extra mile with disinfecting cleaning services significantly reduces the risk of transmission to everyone in your commercial establishment.

Other reasons to choose cleaning service providers who offer disinfecting services include:

  • Businesses in industries that require regular disinfection, such as companies in the medical and hospitality industries
  • Facilities that handle small children
  • Facilities that handle body fluids, such as laboratories, dental clinics, and restrooms
  • Establishments where individuals are likely to be exposed to viruses
  • Businesses that handle raw and cooked food

For disinfecting to be effective, your spaces must first undergo a general cleaning process. This step is necessary to remove any debris on your surfaces that could dilute the disinfectant and make it less effective. While disinfectant cleans at a higher level, it should go hand in hand with general cleaning services.

Reliable Disinfecting Solutions with JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting of Upstate NY

For many commercial establishments, general cleaning of surfaces may not be enough. That’s why, when searching for cleaning service providers, you should trust a service that’s dedicated to comprehensive cleaning and disinfecting solutions for businesses in Upstate NY.

Get in touch with JAN-PRO Cleaning & Disinfecting for a free estimate.