Business Cleaning in New Orleans: Keep Your Team Healthy During Flu Season

Posted on November 27, 2018

With flu season on its way, you may want to start thinking about how you’re going to approach workplace hygiene at your office in New Orleans this winter. There are several business cleaning practices that you should implement to ensure your employees have a safe, sanitary workplace where they can be productive day in and day out. At JAN-PRO® of Southeast Louisiana, our business cleaning services for the New Orleans area can assist you with maintaining a healthy and hygienic work environment all flu season long. Read on for our team’s tips for promoting workplace hygiene during this critical time of year.

Maintaining Workplace Hygiene at Your Office in New Orleans

Put the following practices into place to protect your staff members from contracting the flu at work:

  • Promote healthy hand hygiene. It’s not uncommon for people to get lazy about washing their hands, but during flu season this laziness can be dangerous. Help keep your staff cognizant of their hand hygiene by posting handwashing reminders in the bathrooms. In addition, you can also provide disinfectant wipes and hand sanitizer in convenient areas of the office to encourage your team to keep their hands clean.
  • Remind your staff about the flu vaccine. Getting vaccinated against the flu is the best defense against this contagious virus. Don’t hesitate to remind your employees about the importance of getting vaccinated early, and set a good example by going in for your flu shot, too.
  • Hire a professional cleaning service. For a comprehensive clean in every area of your office, you’ll need the help of a cleaning company. At JAN-PRO of Southeast Louisiana, our business cleaning experts in New Orleans will leave your workplace cleaner, more organized, and more hygienic.
  • Prioritize frequent and thorough disinfection. Make wall-to-wall disinfection a key part of your flu prevention plan. Ask about EnviroShield®, our exclusive disinfection system, to get rid of germs on every surface in your office, from keyboards and door handles to office chairs and carpets. EnviroShield® kills 99% of bacteria and viruses on contact and is completely non-toxic, making this system a great choice for the workplace.

For details about getting started with JAN-PRO of Southeast Louisiana, call (504) 434-3949 today to schedule a free business cleaning consultation at your office in New Orleans or a community in the surrounding areas.