Commercial Cleaning Services in Kansas City: 4 Things You Should Know

Posted on October 23, 2018

Are you interested in learning how a commercial cleaning service could improve your work environment in Kansas City? When you hire a commercial cleaner like JAN-PRO® of Midwest, your business can benefit from the high-quality results that professional cleaning teams provide. Whether your business is based in Kansas City, Overland Park, Lawrence, Topeka, or a nearby community, our commercial cleaning services can assist you in maintaining your facility. Read on to learn more about what our commercial cleaning experts think you should know before hiring a professional cleaning service.

Understanding Commercial Cleaning Services in Kansas City

Having a basic understanding of what commercial cleaning entails can help you pick the right cleaning service for your business in Kansas City. Here are four things you should know when you set out to hire a commercial cleaner:

  • What “commercial cleaning” is. Commercial cleaning is a specific sector of the professional cleaning industry. Commercial cleaning services are designed to help businesses in Kansas City maintain their commercial properties and assist them in meeting industry-wide standards of cleanliness, including those set by regulatory organizations like OSHA.
  • What commercial cleaning services typically include. Commercial cleaners in Kansas City are usually prepared to provide a gamut of cleaning services, including basic tasks like vacuuming, mopping, polishing, dusting, and disinfecting bathrooms. Some commercial cleaning companies also deliver more in-depth services like wall-to-wall disinfection, floor refinishing, and indoor air filtration.
  • The types of businesses commercial cleaners work with. Not all commercial cleaning companies in the Kansas City area offer services for a full range of businesses. Instead, some focus on meeting the needs of one or two specific industries. However, at JAN-PRO of Midwest, we have the resources needed to provide comprehensive cleaning services for a variety of different businesses in industries as diverse as healthcare, education, food service, and retail.
  • Qualities you should look for in a commercial cleaning company. Your commercial cleaner should be fully bonded and insured to protect your business from accidents. In addition, you’ll want to find a cleaning service that offers a customer satisfaction guarantee that you’re comfortable with.

If you’re ready to get started with a trustworthy commercial cleaning service for your business in the Kansas City area, call JAN-PRO of Midwest today at (913) 469-4060. We’ll help you arrange a free cleaning consultation in Kansas City, Overland Park, Lawrence, Topeka, or a neighboring town.