Commercial Cleaning Services in Harrisburg: 4 Things You Should Know

Posted on November 2, 2018

When it comes to keeping your commercial property in Harrisburg clean, you simply may not have the time or resources to get the job done right. A professional commercial cleaning service can help ensure that you’re providing your employees with a clean and comfortable workplace while presenting the best image of your business to potential customers. At JAN-PRO® of Harrisburg, we work with high-tech tools and proven processes to deliver exceptional results for businesses in Harrisburg, Reading, Lebanon, Lancaster, York, Carlisle, and neighboring communities. Read on to learn about the four things you need to know when hiring a commercial cleaning service like ours in Harrisburg.

Learning More About Commercial Cleaning Services in Harrisburg

If you’re unfamiliar with the commercial cleaning industry, there are a few things you should know before hiring a professional commercial cleaner. These include the answers to the following frequently asked questions:

  • What does the term “commercial cleaning” mean? Commercial cleaning is the cleaning of a facility where business occurs. This type of facility is also often referred to as a commercial property. Many businesses have specific standards of cleanliness that must be upheld or industry-specific cleaning regulations that must be met, and commercial cleaning companies typically offer specialized services to assist businesses with this important task.
  • What types of businesses can work with a commercial cleaning service? Almost any business in Harrisburg can benefit from the help of a commercial cleaner. While some commercial cleaning companies only work with a small range of businesses in one particular industry, others, such as JAN-PRO of Harrisburg, are prepared to provide services for a variety of different business types. Whether you run a medical clinic, education center, religious facility, retail outlet, or automotive dealership, you can count on us to leave your property sparkling clean.
  • What tasks can I expect a commercial cleaner to take care of? Commercial cleaning teams are usually prepared to vacuum, dust, polish, mop, and provide in-depth bathroom cleaning. It’s also common for commercial cleaning companies to offer specialized services like wall-to-wall disinfection, deep cleaning of carpets, and buffing of hard floors.
  • What qualities should I look for in a commercial cleaner? Experience is key, so seek out a cleaning company that has plenty of experience working with similar businesses in your field and that is fully bonded and insured.

Call JAN-PRO of Harrisburg today at (717) 745-1440 to learn more about our commercial cleaning services in Harrisburg, Reading, Lebanon, Lancaster, York, Carlisle, and the surrounding areas.